

History of Hacking | Top Hackings of all time


From phone phreaks to Web attacks, hacking has been a part of computing for 40 years.
1960 s
The Dawn of Hacking
The first computer hackers emerged at MIT. They borrow their name from a term to describe members of a model train group at the school who “hack” the electric trains, tracks, and switches to make them perform faster and differently. A few of the members transfer their curiosity and rigging skills to the new mainframe computing systems being studied and developed on campus.

1980 s
Hacker Message Boards and Groups
Phone phreaks begin to move into the realm of computer hacking, and the first electronic bulletin board systems (BBSs) spring up.  The precursor to Usenet newsgroups and e-mail, the boards–with names such as Sherwood Forest and Catch-22–become the venue of choice for phreaks and hackers to gossip, trade tips, and share stolen computer passwords and credit card numbers.
The Morris Worm
Robert T. Morris, Jr., a graduate student at Cornell University and son of a chief scientist at a division of the National Security Agency, launches a self-replicating worm on the government’s ARPAnet (precursor to the Internet) to test its effect on UNIX systems.  The worm gets out of hand and spreads to some 6000 networked computers, clogging government and university systems. Morris is dismissed from Cornell, sentenced to three years’ probation, and fined $10,000.
The Mitnick Takedown
Serial cybertrespasser Kevin Mitnick is captured by federal agents and charged with stealing 20,000 credit card numbers. He’s kept in prison for four years without a trial and becomes a cause célèbre in the hacking underground.
After pleading guilty to seven charges at his trial in March 1999, he’s eventually sentenced to little more than  the time he had already served while he awaited a trial.  Russian crackers siphon $10 million from Citibank and transfer the money to bank accounts around the world. Vladimir Levin, the 30-year-old ringleader, uses his work laptop after hours to transfer the funds to accounts in Finland and Israel.Levin stands trial in the United States and is sentenced to three years in prison. Authorities recover all but $400,000 of the stolen money.
The Cult of Hacking and the Israeli Connection
The hacking group Cult of the Dead Cow releases its Trojan horse program, Back Orifice–a powerful hacking tool–at Def Con. Once a hacker installs the Trojan horse on a machine running Windows 95 or Windows 98, the program allows unauthorized remote access of the machine.
Service Denied
In one of the biggest denial-of-service attacks to date, hackers launch attacks against eBay, Yahoo, Amazon, and others.
Activists in Pakistan and the Middle East deface Web sites belonging to the Indian and Israeli governments to protest oppression in Kashmir and Palestine.
DNS  Attack
Microsoft becomes the prominent victim of a new type of hack that attacks the domain name server. In these denial-of-service attacks, the DNS paths that take users to Microsoft’s Web sites are corrupted. The hack is detected within a few hours, but prevents millions of users from reaching Microsoft Web pages for two days. And counting…


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