

How to Install MAC OS Inside Windows [Pro.]

Everybody knows that MAC OS X is a very special operating system, and everybody wants to use and test MAC OS X, but who will be able to buy such a very expensive Apple Hardware. This tutorial will show you How to Run MAC OS X Leopard on Your Windows PC using VMWare Player for Free.

How to Install Android On PC / Laptop [Pro.]

Sure that Android is a free Operating System only for Mobile phones developed by Google, and Every one wants to test it and explore all its features and applications, before buying an Android OS Mobile Phone you can Install it on your Computer/Laptop and test all its apps and tricks.

How to Setup Backtrack 5 on Virtual Machine [Pro.]

Backtrack Linux is the distribution based on Debian, its primary goal is penetration testing. The latest version of this Operating System is Backtrack 5 R2 ( can be downloaded from official website ). Using Backtrack with booting from Live CD is undesirable, but you can setup Backtrack 5 on a Virtual Machine and Install it beside another Operating System, such as Windows, using VMware Player 4.0